‘Fewer’ vs. ‘Less’—Which Is Correct?
When Self-Help Writing Fails: Avoiding the Temptation of Personal Journaling
But readers of self-help don’t want to be dumped on by someone else’s pain. They’ve got enough to handle of their own. They don’t want to read what sounds like someone else’s journaling and catharsis-in-progress. That makes them feel overwhelmed. Instead, they want the writer to get to the point, to summarize their past (if they’re going to mention it at all)—not deal it out to them, wound by painful wound.
Read MoreHow to Start Writing a Nonfiction Book—Outlining Made Easy
Present Tense or Past Tense? First Person or Third? Which to Use for Your Novel or Memoir
You’re getting ready to write your novel or memoir. How do you decide which tense you should use: past or present? In the case of a novel, you also need to decide whether to write in first person or third. These are common dilemmas and ones worth exploring, because selecting the right tense and point of view from the start will save you getting stuck part-way into the writing, unable to make that choice work for the remainder of your story.
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