Developmentally and copy edited this book by Pastor Monty Weatherall.

Performed the full edit of Michael Hurley’s novel that won the Chanticleer Reviews Grand Prize and has been optioned for film.

Developmentally edited this award-winning nonfiction book by life coach and author Nadine Love.

For the publisher, developmentally edited (and copy edited) all stories in this science fiction anthology.

For Elderberry Press, copy edited this book on philosophy.

Comprehensively edited this second novel by Michael Hurley, which won the 2015 Eric Hoffer Prize for General Fiction.

Comprehensively edited this biography by the scholar Scott Jeffrey.

Copy edited this memoir by Steven Michael Hubele.

Comprehensively edited this first novel by Brandon Teskey.

Wrote the companion workbook for this New York Times bestseller by ‘Chicken Soup’ co-authors Jack Canfield and Les Hewitt.

Edited this self-help book for psychologist and Huffington Post columnist Dr. Peter Field.

Developmentally edited this memoir and wrote the query letter that landed the author an agent and publication by Little, Brown and Company, one of the world’s oldest and largest publishing houses.

For Psychology Today writer Dr. Robert Puff, comprehensively edited this guide to practicing meditation.

Performed a comprehensive edit on this business book by motivational speaker and author CJ Coolidge.

For Oprah-interviewed success guru Delores Pressley, edited this book on how to take charge of your life.

Developmentally edited and copy edited this book of devotional exercises for Christians.

Developmentally edited this middle-school novel.

Performed the developmental edit and copy edit on this motivational student’s guide by Wyne Ince.

Substantively edited this historical novel by Helen Delaney.

Wrote the PR materials for this book, generating dozens of appearances and interviews, and winning coverage in most major magazines and newspapers throughout Australia.

Comprehensively edited this success manual for Brenda Bence, a Fortune 100 senior executive.

For a group of schoolteachers, edited this parent’s guidebook on how to prepare a child for the Stanford-Binet.

Comprehensively edited this memoir by spiritual author Michael F. Moore.

Developmentally edited this first novel by Serena R. King.

Developmentally and copy edited this self-help book for singles by Sheena Faust.

Performed a comprehensive edit on this book by Brad Anastasia, a former investment banker who left the fast lane to redesign his life.

Developmentally edited this self-help manual for nurses by psychotherapist Carmel Sheridan.

Comprehensively edited this book on business innovation for Dave Mohla, Silicon Valley award-winning designer of consumer products for Amazon, T-Mobile, Boeing, and Ford.

For Forbes columnist Andrea Wien, edited this education guide.

Comprehensively edited this inspirational self-help book by pastor Dr. Ada Nealy.

Edited this instruction manual for acclaimed guitar performer and teacher Adam Rafferty.

Developmentally edited and copy edited this book on the Law of Attraction for award-winning author Aan Frazier.

Edited this book on divorce for counselor and author Joni James.

Comprehensively edited this self-help book by Robyn C. Scates

Developmentally edited this winner of the 2021 Chanticleer Reviews Grand Prize: Alex Sirotkin’s novel about a daughter’s addiction.

Edited this children’s book for an imprint of Delta Publishing.

Comprehensively edited this real estate how-to manual by acclaimed investment gurus Andy Heller and Scott Frank.

For children’s author Amy Crane Johnson, edited this and the three other books in her Solomon Raven series, published by an imprint of Delta Publishing.

For Raven Tree Press, edited the four books in the “I Wish“ series by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook.

For Raven Tree Press, an imprint of Delta Publishing, edited this children’s book by Leonard Filgate that won an Honorable Mention in the IPPY Awards.