If you are confused about how to structure your novel, I congratulate you. It means you at least realize a structure of some kind is necessary. That places you miles ahead of most beginning novelists, who typically plunge ahead into the writing, inspired by a cool initial idea. Many hours later, they realize they’re stuck. They have a story dozens or hundreds of pages long that rambles, repeats itself, backtracks, and generally loses its way. They thought the novel would just unfold of its own accord as they wrote it, then found themselves stunned when it stalled out stuck in the mud on some forsaken back road …
Read MoreCreating a Book Index: Part of Professional Manuscript Editing Services?
Is creating a book index something you can expect from book editors and professional manuscript editing services? Book editors and indexers are separate breeds of people. Their skill sets do not overlap. If you are a scholar or technical writer who has authored a complex book, you will need an index—and a professional indexer. Well, how about self-indexing, you ask? ... Read More